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Welcome to Remember Veronica Jill Blumhorst. Veronica disappeared from her home on September 20, 1990 in the small town of Mendota, Illinois. There was never a sign of a struggle in the garage where her car was parked or any indication on her part of running away.
Her family still continues to search for the bubbly supermarket clerk who vanished without a trace. This website is dedicated to Veronica as a person and not just about that tragic night when she left us...
The Butterfly
Written by: Todd Blumhorst
In my grief of losing you, I return to the sanctuary of the stone that bears your name and the names of others who met the most violent of ends.
Through the tears of agony I am pierced by the thoughts of your final moments, my soul is war torn from the internal fight.
My tears cleanse my eyes and I see a butterfly doing a ballet in front of me, in the moments that pass my heart somewhat mends.
It dances all around mesmerizing me in his flashes of blue, for those few moments I felt you near my soul and darkness turned to light.
Dancing on the wind the butterfly reminds me that life is a circle, it is an ever evolving cycle and life does not die, it only makes alterations.
Your soul was one that warmed a room when it entered, our grief was intense when it left without saying goodbye.
The butterfly does not start in life as a winged angel, first it must crawl as a caterpillar and then go into its' cocoon for the transformation.
Our time here on earth together was entirely too brief, when I pause for those instants that I know you are gone my heart can only sigh.
I know the deal we made with God before we came to this space, we have a set time to leave this temporary home we call Earth.
Now you are the butterfly dancing on the winds my dear sister, your soul is now truly free to soar through the sky.
When you left us those many years ago our hearts on earth grieved for your death, but in Heaven the butterflies celebrated your rebirth.
Jill Blumhorst