The Medium:
Greta Alexander
While unconventional, the family utilized a medium to assist them in locating Veronica. They felt, and still feel, that there was validation in what the late Greta Alexander said over multiple readings.
On one particular evening, she led searchers around in a van around Mendota and the local countryside via telephone. Greta was at her home in the small town of Delevan, Illinois and had never been to Mendota before. Initially, she was provided very little information; she was told there was a missing girl in Mendota. Greta began to describe Veronica accurately and even remarked on her kind personality. On this occasion in the van, the searchers parked their van directly behind Veronica's car that was still parked in the garage.
While the family found some information relevant, there was still other information that was not relevant. No definitive evidence has ever been produced from these readings. Law enforcement authorized this search and it was conducted by trained professionals. However, it is unknown how accurate she was until the remains of Veronica are recovered.
Here is a link to the transcripts of Greta's reading:

Jill Blumhorst