The Paranormal Investigations

In early 2010 the members of the Paranormal Anomaly Search Team, who perform paranormal investigations, were contacted by a Blumhorst family friend to see if they would investigate Veronica's disappearance. There had been community members who had experienced what appeared to be paranormal activity in various locations in town and there was a desire for explanation into these events. The PAST members agreed to come to Mendota and investigate. The video below is of their first investigation.
Again in September 2010 they came for a second investigation. Immediately following Veronica's memorial service Todd met them in Bartlett Woods located Northwst of Mendota. They had spent the day investigating around town and were compelled back to the woods where they had previously obtained several EVP's (electronic voice phenomenon) in the Feb 2010 investigation.

Photo taken by Todd in Bartlett Woods after the memorial service in 2010. The photos just before and after this photo have no anomalies present.
This photo shows two orbs in the woods unaltered. You will find edited photos below to highlight the orbs.
Arrows indicate location of orbs.
Blown up photo of the two orbs.
Jill Blumhorst